The 2023 Under 21 World Golf Croquet Championship will be held between 8-12 February 2023 in Mount Maunganui, North Island, New Zealand. The field will be limited to 32 players, and you must be 20 years old or younger on 31 December 2022 to compete.Entry is free, and you may be eligible for assistance via an ACA scholarship.
For more information on these Championships please see:
The ACA Golf Croquet Selection Committee invites Australian players who wish to be considered for:
- Ranking Places (based on your MaxDgrade for the 12 months to 7 Sept 2022, provided you have played at least 5 ranking games in that period); and/or
- one of the two Member Places allocated to Australia (these are also based on MaxDgrade, but are subject to the GC Selectors discretion); and/or
- a Wild Card nomination – please indicate why WCF should give you a Wild Card:
WCF Sports Regulations – Appendix 3
2. Wild Card Places
2.1 Up to two Wild Card Places may be awarded by the MC taking into account any one or more of the following as it thinks fit, namely:
2.1.1 the encouragement of young players or players showing exceptional promise of future development;
2.1.2 the encouragement of players from developing Members and non-Members; and
2.1.3 the distribution of places between Countries.
Any players that need assistance in putting together the rationale for wildcards may contact the ACA GC Selectors for help.
to notify ACA Events (by email to ) by 20 August 2022.
There will not be a Qualifier Event.
The final go/no-go decision on whether the tournament will be held will be announced on 21 Sept 2022; players should not make non-refundable travel arrangements before then.