Croquet Australia is committed to safe, supportive and friendly environments where children and young people are valued and enjoy sport.
- We are committed to keeping children and young people safe
- We have zero tolerance to child abuse and neglect
- We encourage the involvement of children and young people
- We involve families and the community in promoting child safety and wellbeing
- We promote equity and respect diversity
- We encourage reporting of all complaints and concerns
- We maintain and improve our policies and practices
Child Protection Agencies – HERE
If you believe a child is in immediate danger or in a life-threatening situation, call 000.
For non-emergency situations that still require a timely response, contact your local police station or call 131 444.
How do I report a child protection matter?
If you wish to report a child protection matter, directly contact the agency responsible for child protection in your state or territory:
New South Wales
Department of Communities & Justice
Tel. 132 111
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Visit child protection contacts for contact numbers by area
Tel. 131 278 (after hours)
Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs
Visit regional intake service for contact numbers by area
Tel. 1800 177 135 (after hours)
Western Australia
Department of Communities – Child Protection and Family Support
Tel. 1800 273 889
For Crisis Care, contact 1800 199 008 (after hours)
South Australia
Department for Child Protection
Tel. 131 478
Department of Communities Tasmania
Tel. 1800 000 123
Australian Capital Territory
Community Services Directorate–
Tel. 1300 556 729
Northern Territory
Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities
Tel. 1800 700 250
You can report child online sexual exploitation via the ‘Report Abuse’ button on the Australian Centre To Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) or ThinkUKnow websites.
Counselling and support services
Kids Helpline | 24/7 counselling for 5–25 year olds | 1800 55 1800
Lifeline| 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention | 13 11 14
1800RESPECT | 24/7 support for sexual assault or domestic/family violence | 1800 737 732
MensLine Australia | 24/7 counselling for men | 1300 78 99 78