
Croquet Australia


V-Insurance Group

How to access your Certificate of Currency

  1. Click the V-Insurance Group Link
  2. Click on the Croquet Australia profile
  3. Click on the Certificate of Currency
  4. Enter your State and Club and click Proceed

How to make a claim:

  1. Click the V-Insurance Group Link
  2. Click on the Croquet Australia profile
  3. Click on Document Downloads
  4. Click on Personal Accident Claim Form
  5. A PDF form will download
  6. Print, complete, and return to V-Insurance using one of the following methods:
    1. Corporate Services Network
      GPO Box 4276
      SYDNEY NSW 2001
      Phone (02) 8256 1770
      Fax (02) 8256 1775
    2. Email claims@csnet.com.au
  7. NOTE:  Page 5, your Club or Association must complete the declaration before you send to V-Insurance


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