Croquet Australia is offering clubs an opportunity to update their club logos to be in line with Croquet Australia and the States.
For $150 clubs can have a new logo designed in their club colours in the Croquet Australia style.

Clubs will be invoiced the fee directly, upon completion and approval of the updated logo.
The logo suite will include colour, black and white and white/transparent images in the following formats:
- EPS Encapsulated PostScript (a vector file used for high quality printing, best for your uniforms, signage etc)
- JPEG (high quality, small file size, for web graphics, logos, embroidery – they use the least storage of this suite).
- PNG Portable Network Graphic (this format does not lose quality when compressed and can be transparent for websites/photographs and embroidery with a transparent background)
- PDF Portable Document Format (this format cannot be modified, but can be easily compressed and shared).
Please complete the form HERE to register your club for the logo upgrade.
Examples below are the updated State logos are in various formats – which show the colour differences and the style – Clubs will receive a landscape and stacked logo, as well as a social media icon:
Stacked Logo:

Standard Landscape Logo:

Icon Logo, in black and white