
Croquet Australia


Sport brings people together, transcending differences in language, ability, culture, and beliefs, and provides physical, social, and economic benefits.

Threats to croquet’s integrity can include competition-manipulation, doping and behaviours that impact people’s positive experience of croquet, such as discrimination or abuse.

Integrity in croquet means that all players, officials and supporters can participate in croquet, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, ethical, and inclusive environment. Croquet Australia also supports the rights of children. They have the right to take part in sport in a safe, positive, and enjoyable environment, where they are respected and valued.


If you are in immediate danger or risk of harm, call 000

Report all Child Safeguarding and Discrimination matters to Sport Integrity Australia.

Make an Integrity Complaint/Report to Sport Integrity Australia via the online form, or the Safe Sport hotline: 1800 161 361

All other matters should be reported to Croquet Australia via the ONLINE COMPLAINT FORM, or to your State body or club.

Croquet Australia adopted the National Integrity Framework, produced by Sport Integrity Australia on 15 March 2024:

Further resources available to assist you with matters of integrity:

Anti-Doping Policy

Sport Integrity App

Sports Integrity Australia – All Resources



Any incidents that occurred before 15 March 2024 are to be addressed under the previous integrity policies listed below:

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